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 When in Individual Movie Folder mode, scan *.nfo for imdb link

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When in Individual Movie Folder mode, scan *.nfo for imdb link Empty
PostSubject: When in Individual Movie Folder mode, scan *.nfo for imdb link   When in Individual Movie Folder mode, scan *.nfo for imdb link Icon_minitimeThu Oct 28, 2010 9:58 pm

I have a lot of "imdb.nfo" files with just an imdb link in them. My folder structure is:


imdb.nfo (or movie_blah.nfo)

I have noticed that anytime a .nfo file isn't named EXACTLY like the movie, it won't read it, even though it may be the only .nfo in the folder with the movie file.

Could this be added as an option easily? (e.g. "Scan all .NFO files for IMDb link" underneath the Individual Folder Movie option)
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When in Individual Movie Folder mode, scan *.nfo for imdb link
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