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 Posters to html output?

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Posters to html output? Empty
PostSubject: Posters to html output?   Posters to html output? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 04, 2010 8:38 pm

First off, I absolutely love Media Companion! I am hoping someone can help me to change the links in the html output to the movie poster?
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Posters to html output? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Posters to html output?   Posters to html output? Icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 1:27 am

Not sure what you are asking exactly but if you insert <<smallimage>> into the html it will replace that with the relevant poster image albeit that image is the reduce size version used in the wall feature.

If you want to use the full size picture, it has an extension of tbn. Now I have opened those tbns in both IE & Chrome & they do display it may not be an issue.

If you wish to access the full sized image you probably will need to do some search & replace on the created html file.....

So you would put a link in your html to the <<fullpathandfilename>> which will put into the html file the full path to the movie i.e. c:\movies\2012.avi

You will then need to search & replace that with c:\movies\2012.tbn

so in this case you would search for '.avi' & replace with '.tbn'. You can use notepad to open the html file & perform the search & replace. I suggest the dot avi to avoid changing any unwanted occurances of just 'avi'.

If you have other movie formats such as divx or mkv etc you will need to repeat the process to search & replace those as well.

Unfortunately whilst this method will work it doesn't make it easy to repeat when you add new movies....

Perhaps you can suggest to Billy that an new token could be added to point directly to the fullsize poster tbn.

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Posters to html output? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Posters to html output?   Posters to html output? Icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 3:08 am

Thanks for the quick response. I'm actually trying to create a simple webpage using the html output from media companion replacing the text hyperlinks with the movie posters. I saw a post awhile back from someone who had done it. Any help would be appreciated.
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Posters to html output? Empty
PostSubject: Dress for pregnant Bridesmaid?   Posters to html output? Icon_minitimeSun May 08, 2011 10:58 am

Exclamation Exclamation I'm so like your style.I agree to your opinion.Hoping
more your better article!Pearl Earrings
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Posters to html output? Empty
PostSubject: crystal tiaras   Posters to html output? Icon_minitimeSat May 14, 2011 9:31 am

Thanks for the quick response. I'm actually trying to create a simple webpage using the html output from media companion replacing the text hyperlinks with the movie posters. I saw a post awhile back from someone who had done it. Any help would be appreciated.
crystal bracelet

crystal tiaras
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Posters to html output? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Posters to html output?   Posters to html output? Icon_minitime

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