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 3.400 Error in movie title display

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3.400 Error in movie title display Empty
PostSubject: 3.400 Error in movie title display   3.400 Error in movie title display Icon_minitimeTue Nov 16, 2010 9:06 pm

"Theatre of Blood (1973)" is displayed in the movie list as"atre of Blood, The (1973)".

Lack of whitespace checking in the regexp perhaps? Doesn't affect the display in XBMC or the title field in the movie details, only in the left-hand movie list.
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3.400 Error in movie title display Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.400 Error in movie title display   3.400 Error in movie title display Icon_minitimeWed Nov 17, 2010 10:13 am

No its not the regex, its just how MC treats Movies starting with "THE". The actual movie title is saved correctly, it just when its displayed it is an issue.

Yes looks like the test should be "THE "

You're the first to come across this issue Smile

Hopefully Billy can address this on the next release.

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3.400 Error in movie title display Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.400 Error in movie title display   3.400 Error in movie title display Icon_minitimeThu Jun 09, 2011 11:20 am

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3.400 Error in movie title display Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.400 Error in movie title display   3.400 Error in movie title display Icon_minitime

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3.400 Error in movie title display
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