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 Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference)

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Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference) Empty
PostSubject: Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference)   Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference) Icon_minitimeTue Dec 23, 2008 11:39 am


I have "use Folder Names" checked and it works well except I just noticed that the movie in directory "blah\Fantastic 4 - #2 - Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)\" is displayed as "4: Rise of the Silver Surfer".

I'm pretty sure this used to be OK, I'm currently on v2.079, it would seem that the "#" in the folder name is confusing things...

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Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference)   Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference) Icon_minitimeTue Dec 23, 2008 4:09 pm

yep. I have the same result on that movie.
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Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference)   Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference) Icon_minitimeTue Dec 23, 2008 9:20 pm

This is not a bug.

The latest versions of Media Companion use the title contained in the nfo file for the movie list.

I've just uploaded a new version today, at the top of the main window you can change this to the old view by Folder or File name depending on if you have use foldernames enabled. From this new version this setting is also stored and used each startup.
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Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference)   Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 24, 2008 5:57 am

billyad2000 wrote:
This is not a bug.

The latest versions of Media Companion use the title contained in the nfo file for the movie list.

OK will have a look at after XMAS, thanks.

But shouldn't the .nfo (haven't got time to check) have that info... It could be wrong (also check after XMAS) but I suppose that might make it an older possibly removed bug.

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PostSubject: Re: Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference)   Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference) Icon_minitime

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Movie Title doesn't match Folder Name (as per preference)
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