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 nfo files created properly, but show doesnt show in the main browser.

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nfo files created properly, but show doesnt show in the main browser.  Empty
PostSubject: nfo files created properly, but show doesnt show in the main browser.    nfo files created properly, but show doesnt show in the main browser.  Icon_minitimeWed Feb 09, 2011 12:58 am


I am having trouble getting 1 season of Friends to scrape correctly. Basically its the last season and the group that ripped it changed their file naming structure from sxxexx to 1001 (season 10 episode 1)

When I search for the new episodes it catches all of them, and creates the .nfo with all the appropriate info but it fails to load the season into the main browser...

Am I doing something wrong? I had this issue with other shows, and deleting the nfo and the .tbn from the folder, and renaming them from 1001 to s10e01 fixed the issue, but I don't understand why it wont load them into the main browser, as it seems to scrape them just fine.

Any help would be appreciate so in future I can just scrape them and not have to rename the files.
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nfo files created properly, but show doesnt show in the main browser.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: nfo files created properly, but show doesnt show in the main browser.    nfo files created properly, but show doesnt show in the main browser.  Icon_minitimeFri Jun 03, 2011 6:23 am

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nfo files created properly, but show doesnt show in the main browser.
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