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 Harry Potter Wedding Ideas?

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Harry Potter Wedding Ideas? Empty
PostSubject: Harry Potter Wedding Ideas?   Harry Potter Wedding Ideas? Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 5:21 am

I love this idea!! Seriously, don't listen to all those people telling you it's a stupid idea - you're 100% right, it's your day and you and your fiance should create a wedding that you are both going to remember. I love your wedding dress idea, gorgeous - is your fiance going to go more along the lines of Harry Potter's Yule Ball dress robes? I also love your cake idea - it sounds amazing.My suggestions to you are - instead of releasing a white dove, or a flock of them (like they do at some weddings), release a white owl; because having the wedding at the actual castle the movies are filmed at could be hugely expensive, try and find another castle (or castle-like building) around London that you could have the ceremony/reception at; dress your bridesmaids similar to Hermione at the Yule Ball (also a lovely dress).Where can I find some reasonably priced Bridesmaid Dresses 2011? I am on a tight budget and would rather spend more money on my wedding gown and photographer than a bridesmaid dress which will probably only be worn once by my bridesmaids. I have 4 bridesmaids and I prefer they all have the same Bridesmaid Dresses 2011.I am looking for Plus Size Bridesmaid Dresses for my sister. I am having a huge issue. I want something short and light yellow. Can someone please help! I am trying to find it online because she lives out of state!! HELP!!!That sounds like the most AWESOME. WEDDING. EVER. I am so inspired - I didn't want to get married before but after reading your ideas, I think I'd love to get married just to be able to have a wedding like that! It doesn't sound lame, it sounds absolutely EPIC!! This probably isn't very helpful, but I can't think of anything to add. I just wanted to say it sounds like one of the best ideas ever and I wish I had a husband like that!!I wish I could come! As you both are SO into HP, it sounds completely appropriate. I absolutely ADORE the idea, but many (especially parents, with their pesky "traditional" ideas) will not. Go with what the two of YOU (the two actually GETTING married) want, and don't let anyone rob you of this wonderful dream-come-true. The only suggestion I have is to incorporate crystal balls and lots of candles for your table decorations.
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Harry Potter Wedding Ideas?
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