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 Harry Potter Wedding Ideas?

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Harry Potter Wedding Ideas? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Harry Potter Wedding Ideas?   Harry Potter Wedding Ideas? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 01, 2014 1:51 pm

I am planning my wedding at party space nyc, everything is done perfectly. Now my sister told me to organize grand theme party there. So, suggest me some new themed wedding ideas.
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Harry Potter Wedding Ideas? Empty
PostSubject: Harry Potter Wedding Ideas?   Harry Potter Wedding Ideas? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 01, 2011 6:31 am

My future Hubby and I are BIG Harry Potter fanatics. Serious die hard fans. No surprise when we both we would have an all out Harry Potter theme wedding. I know it may sound lame, but we LOVE the idea, and it's our day right? Why the heck not? Anyway, I'm having a bit of a mental block as to what to do for well . . . EVERYTHING!!! I had a few ideas, not sure if they're lame or not but, here they are. My hubby thought that the song that the bride walks down the aisle is overdone, so his suggestion was to have the harry potter theme song be played while I walk down the aisle. And although this next part is a fantasy and would NEVER happen unless i won the lottery or married a member of the royal family, a girl can dream can't she? The reception or the actual ceremony would be held at the castle the Harry Potter movies were actually filmed at. Wouldn't that be so cool??? You can choose A Line Wedding Dresses,A Line Wedding Dresses,A Line Wedding Dresses from I love this idea!! Seriously, don't listen to all those people telling you it's a stupid idea - you're 100% right, it's your day and you and your fiance should create a wedding that you are both going to remember. I love your wedding dress idea, gorgeous - is your fiance going to go more along the lines of Harry Potter's Yule Ball dress robes? I also love your cake idea - it sounds amazing. My suggestions to you are - instead of releasing a white dove, or a flock of them (like they do at some weddings), release a white owl; because having the wedding at the actual castle the movies are filmed at could be hugely expensive, try and find another castle (or castle-like building) around London that you could have the ceremony/reception at; dress your bridesmaids similar to Hermione at the Yule Ball (also a lovely dress).
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Harry Potter Wedding Ideas?
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