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 Should I go with a fairy-tale themed wedding or a hippie themed wedding? I can't decide!?

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Should I go with a fairy-tale themed wedding or a hippie themed wedding? I can't decide!? Empty
PostSubject: Should I go with a fairy-tale themed wedding or a hippie themed wedding? I can't decide!?   Should I go with a fairy-tale themed wedding or a hippie themed wedding? I can't decide!? Icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2011 5:28 am

The second dress is not fairy tale at all, it is formal and not appropriate for a wedding out in the forest.The first one can be either fairy tale or hippie. I like the fairy tale theme with this dress better than the hippie theme. You could still do the circle of flowers but use more delicate flowers and perhaps ribbons flowing down the back for extra movement. Have your bouquet also have the same ribbons flowing from it and you are good to go in the fairy tale wedding theme.At least, this is what I pictured when you posted the first dress in another question, so I am going with my first impression. The first dress is gorgeous. Stop looking or you are going to drive yourself nuts.Where can I find some reasonably priced Bridesmaid Dresses 2011? I am on a tight budget and would rather spend more money on my wedding gown and photographer than a bridesmaid dress which will probably only be worn once by my bridesmaids. I have 4 bridesmaids and I prefer they all have the same Bridesmaid Dresses 2011.I am looking for Plus Size Bridesmaid Dresses for my sister. I am having a huge issue. I want something short and light yellow. Can someone please help! I am trying to find it online because she lives out of state!! HELP!!!well, with the hippy one i reckon you'd get a lot of free love before the honeymoon and partner sharing and all that, 3 sexy girls all over you that your wife-to-be would enjoy too. it would prob be a cool reception with lots of music from her parents' hey day and maybe even people tryin to smuggle in the odd spliff!! lolbut with the fairytale one youd get your sleeping beauty i suppose in the end, in one way or another!Since you are getting married in the woods I would get the 1st dress. The 2nd dress would look out of place. The 1st dress can be used as both a hippie and fairy tale themed wedding. It reminds me of a medieval princess dress.
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Should I go with a fairy-tale themed wedding or a hippie themed wedding? I can't decide!?
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