I'm new to Media Companion but have been messing with XBMC for years. With Dharma, I'm ready to go full into it. I've got a decent collection of media now too so Media Companion is a wonderful tool. I've installed v3.400 and have managed to figure out most things for both my movie and TV collection. I'm struggling with fanart though...
For TV, MC seems to be downloading (by default) something for fanart so my question/issue is primarily about the movie branch.
On the movie side, MC doesn't seem to be picking a fanart on initial scrape. If I look at the table view and select to display the "missing artwork" column, I see "fanart" indicated as missing for all of my movies except those couple where I've manually gone to the fanart selector and made an explicit selection. After reading some posts, I've tried the "Batch Rescrape Wizard", checked the option for "Attempt to locate fanart", the "Start Update". MC seems to try to scrape the titles missing fanart but doesn't actually select on by default. Finally, if I go to the fanart selector of a title by title basis, I can see a number of options for each and manually select but, no matter what I try, this seems to be the only way I can get a fanart assigned. Clearly this is a lot of work and I'd rather get a default assigned and then change the ones I don't like.
Clearly, I'm doing something wrong or I've accidentally changed a setting somewhere along the way... but, everything seems OK on the TV side... Also, I can't seem to find a log that might give me a hint as to what MC is doing when I try the batch rescrape.
Help.... Thanx.