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 Found Movies/TV Shows Information

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Join date : 2008-10-08
Location : Australia

Found Movies/TV Shows Information Empty
PostSubject: Found Movies/TV Shows Information   Found Movies/TV Shows Information Icon_minitimeSun Nov 16, 2008 3:32 am

Looks like the scraper is functioning well now, would it be possible to just list the found Movies/Episodes in a neat simple list, but still provide the more detailed scrape information perhaps with a more details button if required?

I was thinking along the lines of a popup that simply lists the found shows..

Added to Library...
The Mentalist S01E01
The Mentalist S01E02

Found but not added to Library...
(List here the files found but couldn't be matched...)

& then three buttons..

Add found shows
Show Detailed Scraper logs....

I appreciate that we needed to show as much information as possible when some shows were not being found, but now that its working, perhaps it can be simplified again?

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