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 Windows size

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Join date : 2009-01-29

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PostSubject: Windows size   Windows size Icon_minitimeThu Jan 29, 2009 11:38 am


I use MediaCompanion on my Media Center PC that is connected to my TV. The resolution is 1280 X 720.

Some windows are to big for that resolution. I can't see the "Save and Exit" button even if I resize the window, try to move it or anything.

I hope I'm misunderstanding something here cause this is pretty basic.
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Windows size Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows size   Windows size Icon_minitimeThu Jan 29, 2009 12:41 pm

MI83 wrote:

I use MediaCompanion on my Media Center PC that is connected to my TV. The resolution is 1280 X 720.

Some windows are to big for that resolution. I can't see the "Save and Exit" button even if I resize the window, try to move it or anything.

I hope I'm misunderstanding something here cause this is pretty basic.

1280*720 should be fine

Are you using a higher than normal DPI (96 is normal), if so then this could be your issue, a bug with .NET stops applications scaling properly with different DPI

I've just verified this, 1280*720 does display ok.
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