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 TV shows being scraped with mc but then not showing in XBMC

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TV shows being scraped with mc but then not showing in XBMC Empty
PostSubject: TV shows being scraped with mc but then not showing in XBMC   TV shows being scraped with mc but then not showing in XBMC Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 5:04 am

Added two new shows to MC. Scrapped show info no problem, then scrapped the tv episodes no problem. NFO and TBN files appear fine on my pc. Can see the episodes no problem in MC. When I update xbmc its picking up the new shows, I can see the tv show name in the library with banner and fanart but when I go into the show, no episodes show. I have even deleted the database and thumbnails folders in xbmc and rebuilt but only shows scrapped with older versions of MC show yet I cannot see why. Any one have any ideas? I am running xbmc 9.04 beta1 r19556 compiled 22/4/09. MC using 2.291 and have tried 2.292.
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TV shows being scraped with mc but then not showing in XBMC
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