I've encountered a strange issue after I added Rollerball. MC downloaded the poster and fanart for this movie, and the fanart shows in the background on MC, but rollerball-fanart.jpg was not created. I've tried switching between the two available fanarts to no avail. More alarming, after updating my library in XBMC, the rollerball fanart is now being used as the default fanart for all movies that don't have any! I'm at a loss since I can't even seem to locate this file to begin with as to how it could have gotten into XBMC so pervasively. Has anyone experienced something similar?
EDIT: looking through userdata it appears that XBMC is adding fanart tbns for all movies that don't have associated fanart, but it's all this Rollerball fanart. I tried deleted all the offending tbns from Userdata and that cleared it up UNTIL I ran Clean Library just to check, and it dumped them all back in. Where could it possibly have gotten this fanart in the first place since the file didn't appear to exist, and how does it keep grabbing it and dumping it back in now?