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 HD Tags...

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PostSubject: HD Tags...   HD Tags... Icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2009 11:58 pm

Ok this time i had a good look through before posting as after posting my last question I found almost exact same question just underneath it DOH!
I apologize if this is allready covered somewhere but I am dammed if I can find it. I have a large collection of BR Rips and notice that you say MC
now adds the HD tags can I ask HOW ? is it a naming convention for the tags or am I just missing something simple again.....

With that in mind is there any way you could add this to the edit movie option IE a Tick box for HD/BR that would add the tags automatically when saved?

Its only because of this dam sweet Aeon skin that I even care TBH but any help is appriciated

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PostSubject: Me too   HD Tags... Icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 12:19 am

I would like to know this too. Thanks
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PostSubject: Re: HD Tags...   HD Tags... Icon_minitimeFri Jul 03, 2009 10:57 pm

The term HD Tags refers to the following.

      <codec>MPEG-4 Visual</codec>
      <format>MPEG-4 Visual</format>
      <duration>3h 38mn 47s 720ms</duration>
      <bitrate>1 411 Kbps</bitrate>
      <codec>MPEG Audio</codec>
      <bitrate>160 Kbps</bitrate>
    <subtitle />

Which is added to the nfo file. I'm not sure if its fully active yet, but certain XBMC skins can (or will be able to soon) read these tags and display related logos such as Full HD, HD, Divx, x264, DVD, DTS, 5.1, etc.

The rescrape wizard lets you perform such operations on all movies in your collection. It has not been added to gen2 yet, but it will be.
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PostSubject: Re: HD Tags...   HD Tags... Icon_minitimeSat Jul 04, 2009 8:39 pm

thanks for the reply However I don't understand how it knows which format my film is in.
I would assume it doesn't acutely query the movie file itself to get these details from or am I wrong ?
If i was to add this info you posted to the nfo file created by MC manually should it then show up in a skin supporting
that function EI AEON skin ?
My film title is The Day The Earth Stood Still (2008) BRRip is there a specific tag i should have on the title for it to
pick up the HD or BR tags as I have re-scraped this a few times with the option ticked but nothing in the nfo changes

Thanks again for any help on this issue.
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PostSubject: Re: HD Tags...   HD Tags... Icon_minitimeSat Jul 04, 2009 10:35 pm

MC uses mediainfo.dll to get the info directly from the media file.

If the option is enabled then MC will try to find the media file to create tags for. The trouble is that MC may not be able to identify the media file associated with the nfo, for example if the nfo file is 'movie.nfo' since there is no way for MC to know what media file that is tied, it cannot get the tags. MC fares better with normal naming conventions even if they are using stacked conventions it can usually find it.
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PostSubject: Re: HD Tags...   HD Tags... Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 12:39 pm

Two examples of how the HD flags can be used..... for skinners on whats available at the moment...

HD Tags... Line

ListItem.VideoResolution - the quantized resolution video stream. Options are 480, 540, 720, or 1080.
ListItem.VideoCodec - video codec of the stream. This is the fourcc if available or the decorder codec if not. e.g. xvid, mpeg4, h264.
ListItem.VideoAspect - display aspect of the video. Options are 1.33, 1.66. 1.78, 1.85, 2.20, 2.35.
ListItem.AudioCodec - audio codec of the stream. e.g. mp3, aac, ac3, dca (which is dts).
ListItem.AudioChannels - number of channels in the stream. Can be 0 if there is no audio at all.
ListItem.AudioLanguage - language of the audio stream if available. Uses ISO 639-2 three character codes, e.g. eng, epo, deu.
ListItem.SubtitleLanguage - language of the subtitle stream. ISO 639-2. Blank if no subtitles.

Some are also available when playing a video:
VideoPlayer.VideoCodec, VideoPlayer.AudioCodec, VideoPlayer.VideoResolution, VideoPlayer.AudioChannels.

Note, each item can be used by itself to return what I determine to be the "highest resolution" stream, or suffixed with a number to get information about a specific stream. For example AudioChannels0 is "highest", AudioChannels1 is first audio stream, AudioChannels2 is second, etc. Note that this feature of exporting multiple streams to the skin is not yet implemented, but the information is stored and will be included once the skinning engine supports it

Highest resolution is:
Video - Largest combined resolution (w x h)
Audio - Most channels. In case of a tie, eac3 > dts > ac3 > all else.
Subtitle - The language that matches what is configured in Appearance -> Region -> Language

If you'd like to display a texture representing any of the above items, simply use an image control and set its texture property to the detail you want, and use the prefix/suffix to generate the filename in your skin. For example, if you want video resolution to use your assets named videoresolutionX.png you'd set the texture property like this:
Which will use the appropriate videoresolution480.png, videoresolution720.png, videoresolution1080.png or hide the texture if the information is not known.

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Additional screen shots & further comments can be found here...
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PostSubject: Re: HD Tags...   HD Tags... Icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2009 10:45 pm

Thanks for all the info on this. Its taken me a while to figure this out however Ive now found that if I name my files like this

Aeon Flux (2005) bluray

It now picks up the Blue ray madia tag I had BDRip and BRRip before which did not work I am still testing this but so far 100%
Success withthe Eaon skin
hope this helps anyone else with this same problem.
keep up the good work.
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PostSubject: Re: HD Tags...   HD Tags... Icon_minitimeFri Jul 17, 2009 8:49 pm

I don't have to do anything. Media Companion 2.292 does it all with basic file names. I don't use anything in the name like HD or blueray. He said it uses the mediainfo.dll to get the info directly from the file itself and it works perfect. I use the latest xbmc svn builds and with the default skin I have added graphics that tell me the resolution and audio info. Works great.
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PostSubject: Re: HD Tags...   HD Tags... Icon_minitime

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