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 Windows 7 ....not working...

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Windows 7 ....not working... Empty
PostSubject: Windows 7 ....not working...   Windows 7 ....not working... Icon_minitimeMon Aug 10, 2009 11:36 pm

Hi guys. Cool app but can't get it working using Windows 7. Anyone have any luck? Working well on the laptop though (Vista). Any help would be appreciated. Smile
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Windows 7 ....not working... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 7 ....not working...   Windows 7 ....not working... Icon_minitimeMon Aug 10, 2009 11:57 pm

Is .net 3.5 installed.

It may be there by default on Windows 7, I can't remember.

If it is then what is the error you are getting.
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Windows 7 ....not working... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 7 ....not working...   Windows 7 ....not working... Icon_minitimeTue Aug 11, 2009 3:14 pm

I'm guessing .Net 3.5 was installed but to be sure I tried installing it again anyway but that didn't work. I even tried .Net 4.0 beta but still nothing.

The movies are showing up but it won't find any info for them. I tried the 3.087 build as well as 2.135 and still nothing. Also tried running the various compatibility modes as well. When I try re-scraping it tells me no valid IMDB ID valid. I added the updated IMDB file as well.

Here's a screen shot of how it's showing up.

Windows 7 ....not working... Capturewwv
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Windows 7 ....not working... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 7 ....not working...   Windows 7 ....not working... Icon_minitimeTue Aug 11, 2009 3:21 pm

Seems like it's loading the .nfo file and not the .avi I tried erasing the .nfo it creates and re-trying it but it just re-creates it.
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Windows 7 ....not working... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 7 ....not working...   Windows 7 ....not working... Icon_minitimeTue Aug 11, 2009 11:45 pm

You are using a very old release and the built-in scraper does not work, see the announcements forum and download the latest version (3.087).

It has been completely rewritten from scratch and looks a whole lot better aswell.

It is still a work in progress as TV Shows have not been added yet, but what does work, works well.

You may also want to download the updated imdb.dll file from the announcements forum since I didn't update it until i had uploaded the last build
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Windows 7 ....not working... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 7 ....not working...   Windows 7 ....not working... Icon_minitimeWed Aug 12, 2009 12:58 am

I was using the newest release but for some reason i took a screenshot of an older version. I don't know what happened but it's working now...

Thanks Smile
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Windows 7 ....not working... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 7 ....not working...   Windows 7 ....not working... Icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2009 3:12 am

Surprised no one brought this up -

Or just do a google for xp mode RC

I have a Seven Pro through MSDNAA (Not RC, actual final version) which I'm going to install in the next couple of weeks. I figured any program that didn't work I would run through XP Mode.

Let me know if that helps.
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Windows 7 ....not working... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 7 ....not working...   Windows 7 ....not working... Icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2009 5:29 am

Oh ya forgot about that Doughboy. Had it running with Vista a while back. Getting it now for Windows7.

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Windows 7 ....not working... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 7 ....not working...   Windows 7 ....not working... Icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2009 8:56 pm

Not what you will want to hear but its working fine on my Windows 7. I just unzipped the latest version from this forum, the one in Billy's signature. I'm running it fine from a folder on the desktop with DotNet 3.5.1 (installed as standard via "Turn Windows feature on or off"). I haven't tried putting it in program files and setting up access rights yet.
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Windows 7 ....not working... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 7 ....not working...   Windows 7 ....not working... Icon_minitimeWed Sep 16, 2009 12:19 am

Doughboy wrote:
Surprised no one brought this up -

I thought about it but then there is no reason why it shouldn't work in Vista/Windows 7, which I'm soon to prove for myself :-)
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Windows 7 ....not working... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 7 ....not working...   Windows 7 ....not working... Icon_minitimeWed Sep 16, 2009 12:21 am

There should be no issues using MC on windows 7.

Up until about 6 weeks ago Windows 7 was installed on one of my drives and not only did it run MC without issue, I also used it for a short time as the sole development platform. If windows 7 was a little more robust I would probably still be using it, despite high end hardware (i7 920 with 12GB DDR3) I found the OS to be a little unstable, not much, but my main PC is often running for weeks at a time, and even an occasional crash is not acceptable.

For the time being I am back to switching between Vista Ultimate 64 and XP (32), both of these setups are rock solid, although I dare say that I will end up using W7, I may try it again after RC1.

MC's build settings are x86 (32 bit) and .net 3.5 and should work correctly on all windows platforms that support .net 3.5 (32 or 64 bit).

I have read the MONO supports (2.0), I may start releasing a (2.0 framework) version, or even switch to it completely (, in which case MC will also run on Linux OS's.
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Windows 7 ....not working... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Windows 7 ....not working...   Windows 7 ....not working... Icon_minitime

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