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 Gen2 TV Shows...

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Location : Australia

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PostSubject: Gen2 TV Shows...   Gen2 TV Shows... Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 11:07 am

For your consideration Billy,

When you create the TV section, is there a way to list all the TV shows so that you can see more at once rather than the Gen1 version which only listed 1 at a time unless you activate the pull-down. In otherwords use a list box instead of a combo box.

I'm wondering if the Seasons section that was in Gen 1 could revert back to just a combo box in Gen2 saving space for the actual TV shows.....

Then under that have a section to display the actual episodes of that season, perhaps 12 or so....also in a list box.

Even better would be to have the size of the list boxes customisable since some users may have many TV shows but with only a few episodes.....

(I hope I have explained this well enough!)

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PostSubject: Re: Gen2 TV Shows...   Gen2 TV Shows... Icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 12:14 pm

I have spent a great deal of time thinking about this, I never really liked the method gen1 used.

Ultimately, I think that a treeview might be the best way to go

TV Show
........................Episode3 etc
........................Episode3 etc
TV Show 2
........................Episode3 etc
........................Episode3 etc

Collapsable to the TV Show list, but expandable to show every season and episode if required.
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Posts : 556
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Location : Australia

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PostSubject: Re: Gen2 TV Shows...   Gen2 TV Shows... Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2009 3:26 pm

That sounds good as it will use the available space more efficiently than my suggestion too!

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PostSubject: Re: Gen2 TV Shows...   Gen2 TV Shows... Icon_minitime

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