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 Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies

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Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Empty
PostSubject: Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies   Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Icon_minitimeTue Nov 24, 2009 2:38 pm

I know this was discussed in the 3.148 annoncement thread but I just wanted to flag it out seperately as I've just realised that it's made a hash of a fair amount of my movie data as it currently only scrapes the first file of a multi-file movie.

Would love to see it simply sum the runtime of each part of a multi-file movie and store that value, e.g.

Movie (2009) CD1.avi (runtime is 70 mins)
Movie (2009) CD2.avi (runtime is 60 mins)
Movie (2009) CD1.nfo (runtime stored is 130 mins)
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Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies   Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Icon_minitimeTue Nov 24, 2009 9:11 pm

Im pretty sure this is working now? have you run a batch rescrape of your runtimes. this should clean up all the the runtimes
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PostSubject: Re: Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies   Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Icon_minitimeWed Nov 25, 2009 1:34 am

paybac wrote:
Im pretty sure this is working now? have you run a batch rescrape of your runtimes. this should clean up all the the runtimes

oh? Let me give it a try.
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PostSubject: Re: Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies   Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Icon_minitimeWed Nov 25, 2009 6:16 am

You're absolutely right.

Ran 'Batch rescrape wizard' to get runtimes
Ran 'Rebuild Movies'

All good except for some music video clips I have in .MKV format - it set those to 0 mins and yet wyhen I select one of them and click 'File Details' is has the Duration as 3mins 41 sec.
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PostSubject: Re: Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies   Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2009 4:31 am

OK, I don't believe this is 'properly' fixed.

I've just dropped some new movies into my folder and one is a 2-file movie.
Using 3.168, I click "Search for new movies"
It finds and correctly scrapes them
The runtime is correct on the single file movies but incorrect on the 2-file movie.

The 2-file movie in this case was has a run-time of 123min according to IMDB, but the scraped value was 3659 min.

So I select the movie in the MC list and click "Rescrape Movie" and get a new value - 59 min. Obviously, it's just scraped the first file.

To make it more confusing, I then added another new 2-file movie, did a 'search for new movies', and the runtime value of this new movie? 56 mins. Again, it's just scraped the first file.

So I'm not even seeing consistent behaviour... although admitedly, there is a slight difference in the 2 tests as the first scenario had multiple movies being detected and scraped while the second had only 1 movie.

Yes, I could fix this with a batch rescrape, but I shouldn't have to. Nor would I want to do this every time I had one new multi-file movie.

Any ideas?
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Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies   Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Icon_minitimeSat Dec 19, 2009 9:04 pm

The batch rescrape was not using the file info, just the data from IMDB.

BTW, this issue should be fixed from the next build, if a movie has multiple parts then they will be added together to give a total runtime for all parts.

There are a couple of exceptions to this, mainly caused when a user is using the movie.nfo format, all others should work fine, basically, if MC can create the playlist when you doubleclick a movie in the list, then the runtime will be correct.
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PostSubject: i like the artical   Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Icon_minitimeMon Feb 28, 2011 11:02 am

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PostSubject: cool   Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Icon_minitimeSun May 22, 2011 11:55 am

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Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies   Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Icon_minitimeSat Jun 04, 2011 12:57 am

2 files of the film is in this case, there is a duration of 123min to the IMDB, but the value was scraping points 3659th So, I chose to film in the MC list, click the "Rescrape Film"and acquiring new Value - 59 minutes. Obviously, this is only the first scratch-off document. To make it even more confusing, then I added a new second gear the film a "search for new movies,"and the long-term value of this new movie? 56 minutes. Again, this is only the first scratch-off document.
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PostSubject: Re: Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies   Better handling of runtime scraping for multi-file movies Icon_minitime

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