Hey Billy
Just one thing that needs to be fixed.
Running 3.198, and have been collecting Red Dwarf with Specials. Got to S00E102, and MC blundered. scraped this as S00E10.
Can episodes greater than 99 be scraped?
Also, re-scraping of a TV Episode or a season, as sometimes I find missing info like plot or images, so I go and create them on TVDB, but it's a bit of a pain to have to manually wipe the nfo and tbn, then go search for new episodes. Much easier if option 'Rescrape selected episode' if the episode is selected, or 'Rescrape SeasonXX' if on a Season.
Thoughts? Possible?
Anyway, Glad you had a good xmas, and a new toy to play with. For me, HD isn't a biggie as most stuff is from the net and is SD (Quicker to DL where I am).