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 Actor Thumbs in XBMC

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PostSubject: Actor Thumbs in XBMC   Actor Thumbs in XBMC Icon_minitimeSat Jan 16, 2010 7:36 am

I would like to let Media Companion download all of the actor thumbs for my movies, and then have XBMC use that database for the images. I enabled the setting in MC and gave it a path on my NAS to store the images, then I filled in the path for the NFO. But it didn't work. I tried moving the images to the XBOX, and updating the paths in the NFO's to look at the XBOX but I still came up with no images. I tried the following formats for the paths:

When the images were on the NAS I used this format:
smb://NAS/Drive_1/Actor Thumbs/

When the images were on the XBOX I tried these paths:
Q:\Actor Thumbs\
E:\Apps\XBMC\Actor Thumbs\
/E/Apps/XBMC/Actor Thumbs/

Has anybody had any luck with this? If so what worked for you?

I can enable XBMC to download actor thumbs (and they show up correctly), but that is painfully slow when updating my library, so I was hoping to get this method to work.
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PostSubject: Re: Actor Thumbs in XBMC   Actor Thumbs in XBMC Icon_minitimeSat Jan 16, 2010 1:11 pm

this is my setings in MC config


P is there MC stores the pics and smb from where xbmc gets them when updating the library
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PostSubject: Re: Actor Thumbs in XBMC   Actor Thumbs in XBMC Icon_minitimeSat Jan 16, 2010 1:35 pm

To get an idea of what the path should look like, look at the sources file in you xbmc settings folder. The path format can vary depending on your setup.

In addition to this, if you use a secure network where a username and password is needed then this will show you how it should be added to your path.
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PostSubject: Re: Actor Thumbs in XBMC   Actor Thumbs in XBMC Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2010 9:05 am

Thanks for the responses. For some reason I still can't get the actor images to show up. I don't know what else to do so I am going to try a fresh install of XBMC to clear out any old references that might be remaining in the database. Thanks again for the help.
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PostSubject: Re: Actor Thumbs in XBMC   Actor Thumbs in XBMC Icon_minitime

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