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 Ability to type path name PLEASE!

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Ability to type path name PLEASE! Empty
PostSubject: Ability to type path name PLEASE!   Ability to type path name PLEASE! Icon_minitimeFri Feb 05, 2010 8:38 am

I use UNC names for my paths. the browser control you're using is unable to find either of my NAS. However if I edit the config.xml file manually everything works fine. Just one problem - when I attempt to add TV Shows and add the root the 50 or so other folders under it are never parsed. Apparently your code does that itself and adding them myself to the config file is a no-go. If I could simply type in the UNC naming path instead of using the network browser I'd be able to get to my files and they could be parsed.

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Ability to type path name PLEASE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ability to type path name PLEASE!   Ability to type path name PLEASE! Icon_minitimeSat Feb 06, 2010 2:20 am

The functionality for tv folders has been completely changed for the next build and is now complete.
The ability to enter a path manually has also been added.

Ability to type path name PLEASE! Folder10

A new build including this will be ready soon.
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Ability to type path name PLEASE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ability to type path name PLEASE!   Ability to type path name PLEASE! Icon_minitimeSun Feb 07, 2010 10:05 pm

billyad2000 wrote:
The functionality for tv folders has been completely changed for the next build and is now complete.
The ability to enter a path manually has also been added.

Ability to type path name PLEASE! Folder10

A new build including this will be ready soon.

Looking good Billy. I am eagerly awaiting the new app (as I am sure everyone else is).
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Ability to type path name PLEASE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ability to type path name PLEASE!   Ability to type path name PLEASE! Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2010 2:29 am

Yes, I like the implementation of the Root folder feature, sounds very handy Smile
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Ability to type path name PLEASE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ability to type path name PLEASE!   Ability to type path name PLEASE! Icon_minitimeSat Feb 13, 2010 8:33 pm

billyad2000 wrote:
The functionality for tv folders has been completely changed for the next build and is now complete.
The ability to enter a path manually has also been added.

A new build including this will be ready soon.

A huge thanks! this will allow me to actually USE the TV feature! cheers Appreciate it!
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Ability to type path name PLEASE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ability to type path name PLEASE!   Ability to type path name PLEASE! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 16, 2010 12:51 am

YAY! This has also been an inconvenience for me for ages! Glad to see this dialog re-designed so I won't have to go diving into the config.xml anymore. Smile
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Ability to type path name PLEASE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ability to type path name PLEASE!   Ability to type path name PLEASE! Icon_minitimeWed Jan 26, 2011 6:47 am

Hate to open an almost year old topic, but
Why make this change to TV shows and not movies?!?!?! It has the same problem. the network browser sucks! I need to be able to type in UNC paths for my movie folders.

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Ability to type path name PLEASE! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ability to type path name PLEASE!   Ability to type path name PLEASE! Icon_minitime

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Ability to type path name PLEASE!
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