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 double clicking movies

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PostSubject: double clicking movies   double clicking movies Icon_minitimeWed Feb 10, 2010 4:04 pm

When i double click on a movie it won't play. I have to right click and select the movie manually.
Any suggestions?
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PostSubject: Re: double clicking movies   double clicking movies Icon_minitimeSat Feb 13, 2010 12:53 pm

The only circumstance where this should happen is if you use the "movie.nfo" nfo naming convention, which is not reccomended.

I added support for this convention because a number of people requested it, but media playback, and media info will not work.
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PostSubject: Re: double clicking movies   double clicking movies Icon_minitimeTue Feb 16, 2010 10:21 am

Can you steer me in the right direction on how to rectify this problem please?
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PostSubject: Re: double clicking movies   double clicking movies Icon_minitimeTue Feb 16, 2010 1:26 pm

TONY49, in the preferences have you selected

Use Folder Names & Save files as movie.nfo.....

if you have done that, MC will create a movie.nfo for all movies under the folder named the movie.

As an example c:\Movies\2010\movie.nfo

With the above unticked, the nfo would be like this....


The advantage of that is that MC knows the name of the associated movie since it the part before the .nfo is the actual filename of the movie. i.e. 2010. MC then assumes movie itself ends in .avi or .mpg etc etc until it finds one that exists. With the movie.nfo format the actual movie filename is unknown & can't be guessed.

The key to the whole issue is that the nfo file doesn't contain the filename of the movie is not part of the requirements for nfos & XBMC to do this since XBMC stores that information in the library when it finds a new nfo. XBMC finds a movie & then looks for an nfo file which is opposite to what you want to do.

The information could be added to the nfo, which probably would make this feature work for all folder structures, but I will let Billy tell us if its on the cards or not....

I hope my explanation is clear enough, cheers.
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PostSubject: Re: double clicking movies   double clicking movies Icon_minitimeTue Feb 16, 2010 2:04 pm

It would be incredibly simple to add the media filename to the nfo file and it would solve a lot of problems.

Interestingly enough, for a time gen1 did exactly that, but I removed it when some people complained that the nfo file should reflect only the movie and not the file. It may be time I took another look at this.
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PostSubject: Re: double clicking movies   double clicking movies Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 12:44 am

Billy just on this, perhaps in the preferences somehow you could have a few extra nfo features with a tick box so people can use them if they want & those that don't...don't!

Without anything ticked, the nfo would be 100% XBMC compliant......with some ticked it would enable extra features for MC.

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PostSubject: Re: double clicking movies   double clicking movies Icon_minitimeFri Jun 03, 2011 6:49 am

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PostSubject: Re: double clicking movies   double clicking movies Icon_minitime

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