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 season-all.tbn not scraping after initial scrape

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season-all.tbn not scraping after initial scrape Empty
PostSubject: season-all.tbn not scraping after initial scrape   season-all.tbn not scraping after initial scrape Icon_minitimeSun Jun 06, 2010 4:44 am

I decided that I wanted the season-all.tbns for my tv shows after I initially scraped my whole collection with that option set to none. When I set it to posters for downloading the season-all.tbn, MC doesn't scrape for any of the thumbnails for any of my seasons unless it's a totally new tv show.

I also realize that the season-all.tbns are basically the same as the folder.jpgs so I'm assuming that I would need to do each show manually for a different season-all thumbnail. Is there a faster way than doing this manually?
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season-all.tbn not scraping after initial scrape
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