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 seasonX.nfo not being created

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seasonX.nfo not being created Empty
PostSubject: seasonX.nfo not being created   seasonX.nfo not being created Icon_minitimeThu Aug 19, 2010 7:38 am

Been using Media Companion for ages never had a problem until recently.

Seems that ever since I upgraded to 3.317, tv shows scrape in OK but the "seasonx.nfo" files are not being created in the root of the show folders. The flow-on effect of this is that XBMC will register that a new show has arrived, but not that there are any seasons and therefore episodes of it.

I have just created a 2nd mediabox that is NOT online. Now on my primary box (which is online), XBMC will of course scrape the season info using it's OWN scraper when it can't find it. But in my example, on this 2nd box it is therefore neccessary to have ALL data already scraped locally as there is no option of online access.

I've removed shows and rescraped them but to no effect. I've even copied previously created "season1.nfo" files from one show to another but no go there either.

This has been happening for a while only I haven't realised until recently upon setting up my 2nd mediabox. The timeline of effected shows SEEMS to match up with me upgrading to 3.317 but I suppose it could also be to do with an update/change to the info provided by thetvdb.

Any thoughts or theories would be most appreciated!
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