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 Limit the length of plot text for Movies and TV Show episodes

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Limit the length of plot text for Movies and TV Show episodes Empty
PostSubject: Limit the length of plot text for Movies and TV Show episodes   Limit the length of plot text for Movies and TV Show episodes Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 12:54 am

I've been using MC to organise my media for XBMC for a while now and it's a great program. But I've noticed that the plot that MC scrapes is often too long and overly detailed. I know this is the fault of whichever site it is being scraped from but I was wondering if there was some way to limit the length of the text that is scraped? In XBMC the auto-scroll feature is way to fast and with it turned off it's pretty useless having such a big chunk of text. Anyway... I just thought that this would be a nice feature for MC to have so what do you think about it?

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Limit the length of plot text for Movies and TV Show episodes
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