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 3.340 - Apostrophe not being handled in Writer field, displays '

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Senior Member
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3.340 - Apostrophe not being handled in Writer field, displays ' Empty
PostSubject: 3.340 - Apostrophe not being handled in Writer field, displays '   3.340 - Apostrophe not being handled in Writer field, displays ' Icon_minitimeSat Oct 23, 2010 2:46 am

Just noticed that if the name in the IMDB Writer field (scraped into the 'Credits' field in MC' contains an apostrophe, it gets displayed as '


Knight and Day (2010)

Writer: Patrick O'Neill

MC displays: Patrick O'Neill

EDIT: OK, the forums are converting the ASCII into the correct character Sad

Apostrophe is being displayed as
& # 3 9 ;
wothout the spaces in between
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Junior Member
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3.340 - Apostrophe not being handled in Writer field, displays ' Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.340 - Apostrophe not being handled in Writer field, displays '   3.340 - Apostrophe not being handled in Writer field, displays ' Icon_minitimeSun May 22, 2011 11:53 am

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3.340 - Apostrophe not being handled in Writer field, displays '
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