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 Film & Folder Renaming; Music Scraping

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Film & Folder Renaming; Music Scraping Empty
PostSubject: Film & Folder Renaming; Music Scraping   Film & Folder Renaming; Music Scraping Icon_minitimeWed Dec 01, 2010 11:09 pm

Like with episodes, it'd be great if MC could rename films, and the folders films/tv shows are in.

Small things like putting the year in become hugely daunting with hundreds of films. I already spent weeks ripping and scraping them, and for some duplicates (eg peter pan) I have years in - it'd be nice if MC could rename the rest of them for consistency.

Music Scraping would be a nice addition too - not as big a wish from me as the renaming though.
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Film & Folder Renaming; Music Scraping Empty
PostSubject: Re: Film & Folder Renaming; Music Scraping   Film & Folder Renaming; Music Scraping Icon_minitimeSat Jan 15, 2011 3:18 pm

Couldn't agree more with renaming films - at the moment I am downloading a film, then using theRenamer to name the file and the folder correctly, then using Bulk Rename Utility to add .dvd to the end of the files (or whatever rip it is) before finally using MC to get the media info. Back when Ember was properly supported it could do all these things, and MC would b a much better program with it I think most would agree!

Also agree with music, would be nice to have but other things are more important at the moment.
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Film & Folder Renaming; Music Scraping
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