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 Media Companion goes open source.

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ranger rob
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeWed Dec 22, 2010 5:23 pm

Rather than let Media Companion die I have decided to finally hand some responsibility for the program to the community who I am hopeful will help take this project to the next level.

Following advice I have uploaded the code to CodePlex, the project can be found at and will be licenced under GPLv2

I know that this is likely a busy time for most people but for those who have expressed a willingness to get involved I will be happy to add people to the project, there is no doubt a lot to do with perhaps the first order of business probably being to clean up the code and identify buggy areas. As a fairly mature project with little documentation in the code I dare say that a lot of explanations will be needed and I will try to make myself available as much as possible, especially at first.

People who are needed
A Coordinator, I have every intention of remaining involved in this project, but I would like at least one other coordinator to work with me. Ideally this role will be given to someone I am familiar with, perhaps someone who has made a valuable contribution to this forum.

Programmers familiar with Visual Basic .NET 2.0, prepared to spend a lot of time understanding many thousands of lines of code written in perhaps an unorthodox manner. As I have stated before, I am a completely self tought amateur programmer who is a little out of his league now.

Perhaps you have no programming skills, but would like to be involved. Editors can be involved in making the project pages look as good as possible, keeping the project information current, perhaps creating the wiki or just updating the RSS feeds.

For everyone else, perhaps you could sign up to codeplex and give media companion your rating, perhaps follow it. This interest will help attract developers to MC.

I am hopeful that this move will allow MC to grow and develop much beyond what I could accomplish on my own
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 23, 2010 12:04 am

Sweet, nice to see the program's going to stay alive :-)
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 23, 2010 2:22 am

Good news Billy, thanks again santa
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeSun Dec 26, 2010 10:40 am

Excellent news! Use MC all the time, very happy to hear development will continue. Thanks Billy!
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeFri Dec 31, 2010 6:18 pm

I can help you fix the GUI design and make it more usable, if you want. The person who is going to coordinate this can PM me and we can talk about the details.

Kind regards
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeSat Jan 01, 2011 1:35 pm

I am also interested in joining this wonderful project.

I've been using MC exclusively for the last 6 months and I'm very familiar with it. My entire library depends on it!
I can help with code cleanup, chasing and fixing bugs, library export and presentation (the html module).

Please do get in touch.
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ranger rob
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeTue Jan 04, 2011 4:31 pm

This has always been my favorite media manager and would love to see it supported again.

I would be happy to work as an editor on the project and write the documentation as well as the specs for the GUI. I am a professional product manager for a software company and have rolled out numerous interface design specs.

As soon as a coordinator is chosen please email me and tell me how I can help.

With the death of EMM this project could not be more timely.
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeWed Jan 05, 2011 1:15 am

for all of you requesting to be contacted to join up, you can add your name into the pool to be a part of this project at this page.

just click on the link that says request to join project.
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeSun Jan 09, 2011 4:27 pm

This is great news.
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeTue Jan 11, 2011 2:53 am

I asked to join too Smile
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: cool   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeFri Jan 28, 2011 12:55 am

I am excited about this project.

I can help with documentation and tutorials.

Personally, I would like to see a multi platform version. A Mac version would be great Smile
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 14, 2011 5:02 am

wish I had the skills to help. I use MC daily since the beginning
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Guess whos back!!!   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 3:15 am

Billy, its been a while!!!

Ive had a WDTV Live for a good year now, and was looking around how to get MovieSheets onto it (similar to what XBMC library mode does, eg fancy posters, synopsis etc) and its just soooo difficult! So I was thinking hard for a couple of minutes of WHAT your name was and WHAT the app was called that I used for sosososo many years on my Xbox, to hopefully see if it now supported MovieSheets for WDTV Live etc.

As an early supporter for you im happy to see it has gone open source instead of being left behind. You have done a great job and many people on the XBOX used this app. Its a shame XBMC died on the xbox (well not really).

Ill keep checking back here mate, enjoy a relaxing time now!
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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeSat Feb 26, 2011 1:50 pm


Just thought I'd pipe in and say a couple of words.

I've been using this program from its very beginning, and it's been an absolute godsend. Of course the app has its quirks, but it still remains highly usable and, for the most part, is quite stable.

It blows every other media tagging app out of the water - there is nothing quite like it. Because of this, I rue the day that the scrapers die and the app is no longer updated Sad

I'm very glad MC has gone open source, so thankyou very much Billy - you app is absolutely amazing, and for an amateur developer, you've done an absolutely amazing job Smile

I don't have any programming experience, so I can't offer any help with development - but I will visit the forums from time to time and be happy to give feedback, bug reports, GUI suggestions, etc.

Thanks again. I thought I would post this just because the people who are often most satisfied don't really bother posting back; it's mostly people with problems that post (understandably). I'm sure it's nice to receive positive feedback Smile And not only that, encouragement - this program will remain useful for quite a few years yet... development is still very worthwhile, since XBMC and other media playing platforms will continue to be used by many people out there!


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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: hello anyone    Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 11, 2011 12:58 pm

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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeSun May 22, 2011 11:48 am

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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitimeTue Jun 07, 2011 5:19 am

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Media Companion goes open source. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion goes open source.   Media Companion goes open source. Icon_minitime

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Media Companion goes open source.
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