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 Mermaid Wedding Dress?

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Mermaid Wedding Dress? Empty
PostSubject: Mermaid Wedding Dress?   Mermaid Wedding Dress? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 01, 2011 6:29 am

I am 5'4 and 165 pounds. So Im pretty curvy woman & Ive always dreamed of wearing a mermaid dress at my wedding do you think my body type is the right type to wear a mermaid dress? If not what other style would you suggest for a curver woman? As a seamstress and dressmaker, I have some solid advise for you. A girl your height and weight can look fabulous in a mermaid style dress...............ONLY IF: Your bust and hip measurement is 10 inches more than your waist measurement. Otherwise, forget about it. You can choose A Line Wedding Dresses,A Line Wedding Dresses,A Line Wedding Dresses from Other styles for your body type would be a ball gown style, or an a-line skirt style, a surplice bodice style and even an empire waist with an a-line skirt would work well. If you have the "hourglass figure" i would definately say yes! I do and my wedding dress is a mermaid dress. I love how it looks on me. I am not sure about your body type too much. But an a-line is also very beautiful. Those were my two favorite!
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Mermaid Wedding Dress?
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