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 3.4.0 Fanart autoscrape file save working?

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3.4.0 Fanart autoscrape file save working? Empty
PostSubject: 3.4.0 Fanart autoscrape file save working?   3.4.0 Fanart autoscrape file save working? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 07, 2011 4:01 pm

I'm new to this world and might not have understood the settings properly, but I have seen other similar posts on the forum without a satisfactory answer, so here I go..

When I scrape a movie I want it to download the fanart and save that with my moviefile (movie-fanart.jpg) - just as I have set it to in the settings and the log says - but no fanart file is saved (only .nfo and .tbn).

The fanart downloads correctly because I can go to the Fanart tab and see the fanart, select an image and click on any of the save buttons - THEN will the movie-fanart.jpg be created.

I don't want to do this manually for all my movies though.

Is there any way to enable this file to get created during scraping or is it just a bug preventing this? If not a bug, I suggest this info should be removed from the log because the file isn't created as stated in the log file.

I have tried the wizard, but that won't create the file either..
Thanks in advance.
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Join date : 2011-07-16

3.4.0 Fanart autoscrape file save working? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3.4.0 Fanart autoscrape file save working?   3.4.0 Fanart autoscrape file save working? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2011 2:23 pm

Same problem for me.
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3.4.0 Fanart autoscrape file save working?
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