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 Scraper error.

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Scraper error. Empty
PostSubject: Scraper error.   Scraper error. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 01, 2011 5:12 pm

I installed media companion yesterday to manage all my xbmc media (was using media center master) I have cleared out all the previous .nfo's etc and started a fresh.

I have all my folders named correctly i.e The Dark Night (2008)/The Dark Night (2008).AVI

Media companion seems to correctly identify all of my 800+ movies and assigns them the correct covers and fan art but in the main window it lists the all the titles as "screaper error" and in all the info feids (plot, rating etc) it says "scraper error" for all except the imdb ratings.

Using imdb as the main scraper.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Scraper error.
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