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 404 error in v1.985

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404 error in v1.985 Empty
PostSubject: 404 error in v1.985   404 error in v1.985 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 24, 2008 10:57 pm

It gives me plenty of errors, in all the tvshows I tried.

This was when adding a new show (i deleted the old configuration to try to create a fresh one, but happended the same with the old one)

It says (in this mix of english&spanish, my windows XP is in spanish):

"Unable to load webpage http://thetvdb/api/6E82FED600783400/series/83226/all/English.xml

System.Net.WebException:error en el servidor remoto (404) no se encontró.
en System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
en XBMC_Media_Companion.options.loadwebpage()"

"en el servidor remoto" = "in the remote server"
"no se encontro" = "not found"

If I try to load:

it gives an error, but if I manually change the URL, exchanging "English" with "en":


apparently gets the correct xml page:



<Actors>|Anna Walton|Philip Winchester|</Actors>

Based on the classic Daniel Defoe novel, Crusoe tells the story of young Robinson Crusoe as he leaves the love of his life to set out on an adventure. When the trip takes a turn for the worst, Crusoe ends up shipwrecked on a tropical island, detached from the only life he's known. Stranded, his friendship with Friday and memories of his wife keep him sane as he battles enemies, braves the elements, and learns how to survive on the island for over 28 years.
<added>2008-09-28 16:36:14</added>

<Director>Duane Clark</Director>
<EpisodeName>Rum and Gunpowder</EpisodeName>

|Lorcan O'Toole|Gabriel Gilmore|Mae Wright|Barbara Bielecka|Luke Gellard|James Lauren|James Middlemarch|Terence Harvey|Jake Curran|Emma Barnett|Mark Dexter|Robert Stone|Georgina Rylance|Sean Bean|

In this special two hour series premiere, Robinson Crusoe, the only survivor of a shipwreck, and his trusty companion Friday, a native whose life he saved, find their lives in danger when a group of British privateers and the Spaniards pursuing them arrive on their island in search of a legendary treasure.
<Writer>Stephen Gallagher</Writer>


|Lorcan O'Toole|Sam Neill|James Middlemarch|James Lauren|Terence Harvey|Mark Dexter|Jake Curran|Emma Barnett|

After attempting to fix the water source to the tree house, Crusoe loses his wedding ring. Meanwhile, Friday has an unusual dream about a young woman who is lost and yearning for the sea. Crusoe and Friday attempt to discover the truth and set her spirit free.
<Writer>Avrum Jacobson</Writer>

<Director>Michael Robison</Director>
<EpisodeName>The Mutineers</EpisodeName>

|Lorcan O'Toole|Sean Michael|James Lauren|Terence Harvey|Mark Dexter|Jake Curran|Jeremy Crutchley|Emma Barnett|

Crusoe and Friday need to find a way to outsmart a group of mutineers, who have landed on their island in search of supplies. Crusoe contemplates forming an alliance with the ship's trapped captain in hopes that he can lead Crusoe and Friday back home.
<Writer>Andy Rattenbury</Writer>

<EpisodeName>High Water</EpisodeName>

|James Lauren|Mark Dexter|Jake Curran|Jeremy Crutchley|Kieran Bew|Angus Barnett|Joss Ackland|Lorcan O'Toole|

Crusoe and Friday find hope on the deserted island, when they stumble upon an old abandoned boat that is stuck up in a tree. As they begin to repair it, they find a compass, which they believe will aid them on their finding their way home.
<Writer>James Moran</Writer>

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404 error in v1.985 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 404 error in v1.985   404 error in v1.985 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 25, 2008 12:43 am

Please try version 1.986
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Join date : 2008-09-20

404 error in v1.985 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 404 error in v1.985   404 error in v1.985 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 25, 2008 6:27 pm

Fixed in Version 1.987 - see announcements forum for links
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404 error in v1.985 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 404 error in v1.985   404 error in v1.985 Icon_minitime

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404 error in v1.985
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