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 CD1 and CD2 folders!!

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CD1 and CD2 folders!! Empty
PostSubject: CD1 and CD2 folders!!   CD1 and CD2 folders!! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 14, 2008 7:58 am

I have started to catalogue my collection with this great app and so far its been great apart from one thing.

It looks too deep within the folder and tries to find movies called CD1, CD2 and Sample. Most of the time it finds it and creates an nfo for a random movie.

I told it to use the folder name as a lookup as my .avi files are non-descript being mainly scene releases.

Is there any way for it to only search the initial folders in a directory and not go into those folders so it can avoid seeing unwanted folder names?

-American.Gangster.UNRATED.etc etc
  - Sample
Could MC just use the parent folder name, then dump the new nfo's, thumbs and folder.jpg into that folder or does XBMC need to have nfos for each avi or cd? I tried putting the 2 avis into one folder and Media Companion created an nfo and thumb for each but most of the time XBMC can figure that out and stack them together (Not all the time!).

Having hundreds of movies means I dont want to have to movie the avi's together and delete unwanted folders to avoid this problem.
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CD1 and CD2 folders!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD1 and CD2 folders!!   CD1 and CD2 folders!! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 14, 2008 2:30 pm

Each movie needs to be in a single folder.


Movies\Spiderman\Spiderman cd1.avi
Movies\Spiderman\Spiderman cd2.avi

only cd1 wil be scraped then.
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CD1 and CD2 folders!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD1 and CD2 folders!!   CD1 and CD2 folders!! Icon_minitimeMon Dec 15, 2008 5:51 pm

Thats what I figured.

Its just very labour intensive to go through and move all your avi files into their parent directory, then delete the CD1 and CD2 folders as well as the Sample folder.
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CD1 and CD2 folders!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: CD1 and CD2 folders!!   CD1 and CD2 folders!! Icon_minitime

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CD1 and CD2 folders!!
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