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 couple of feature requests

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Join date : 2008-09-21

couple of feature requests Empty
PostSubject: couple of feature requests   couple of feature requests Icon_minitimeSun Sep 21, 2008 6:38 am

is there any way to enable file stacking ala' xbmc? I have some movies in folders for organizational reasons because they are 2x 700mb files. if I have them named beowulf 1.avi and beowulf 2.avi xbmc treats them as one continuous file but this app searches for both files in imdb as if they where 2 diff movies.


I keep all my tv shows in seperate folders ie; E:/Tv shows/Avatar/ and E:/Tv shows/Chuck and so on for all other shows (ALOT) I was wondering is there a way to make it when you choose the folder Tv shows it will automatically enter all folder names under the tv shows folder?
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Join date : 2008-09-20

couple of feature requests Empty
PostSubject: Re: couple of feature requests   couple of feature requests Icon_minitimeThu Sep 25, 2008 10:23 am

For stacking movies use:-
cd 1
You can replace cd with :-
"dvd", "part", "disk", and "pt"

I don't like using movie 1 and movie 2, since it would stack movies that are sequels rather than multipart.

At the moment tv shows have to be added individually, I will probably end up changing this, it's not a high priority though.
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couple of feature requests
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