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 Feature requests - Multi episode tv files/ .bin extension support/ ripped dvd's of tv shows in VIDEO_TS folders

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Feature requests - Multi episode tv files/ .bin extension support/ ripped dvd's of tv shows in VIDEO_TS folders Empty
PostSubject: Feature requests - Multi episode tv files/ .bin extension support/ ripped dvd's of tv shows in VIDEO_TS folders   Feature requests - Multi episode tv files/ .bin extension support/ ripped dvd's of tv shows in VIDEO_TS folders Icon_minitimeSun Sep 21, 2008 12:28 am

First of all, LOVE XBMC MEDIA COMPANION! It completes me!

And now a couple of quick requests!

1) I've tried the standard naming conventions for multi episode tv files i.e. 1 file with multiple episodes, however these don't seem to get picked up. I typically use say Top Gear S10E01-02.avi
2) I have DVD's of TV Shows which have been ripped to VIDEO_TS folders, can you please implement some sort of naming convention for the folder above VIDEO_TS. Say "Heroes S02E01-05", and "Heroes S02E06-11" so these can be scraped.
3) Can you please add support for .bin files in TV and Movie modes

Thanks again for this program and the awesome support!

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Join date : 2008-10-03

Feature requests - Multi episode tv files/ .bin extension support/ ripped dvd's of tv shows in VIDEO_TS folders Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feature requests - Multi episode tv files/ .bin extension support/ ripped dvd's of tv shows in VIDEO_TS folders   Feature requests - Multi episode tv files/ .bin extension support/ ripped dvd's of tv shows in VIDEO_TS folders Icon_minitimeFri Oct 03, 2008 12:55 pm

XBMC will happily play .VOB files that are standalone (that don't need to be with an .IFO file, and can be more than 1GB in size). It will even still let you select the (DVD) alternate audio tracks and subtitles.

I use MacTheRipper (on a Mac!) to rip episodes from DVDs to individual .VOB files and I can then name these using the normal series/episode xxx-S01E01.VOB approach which then gets scrapped in the usual manner. (In MTR one does a title/chapter extraction and ticks the box to merge the selected chapters to form a single standalone VOB file.)

These .VOB files retain the full DVD video quality since they have not been compressed or transcoded but are as easy to manage as an .AVI or similar file in XBMC. I would be amazed if none of the rippers for Windows could not do the same. Effectively these .VOB files are treated as .MPG (MPEG2) files but with the added benefit they still retain all the original DVD audio tracks and subtitles.

XBMC itself will not 'split' a VIDEO_TS folder that is a full rip of a TV series DVD. At best you could name the enclosing folder S01E01-05 and it should then get listed multiple times for each episode but it will only start playing at the same point for each entry. The same applies to a standard video file containing multiple episodes.
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Feature requests - Multi episode tv files/ .bin extension support/ ripped dvd's of tv shows in VIDEO_TS folders
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