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 few problems with 2.220

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few problems with 2.220 Empty
PostSubject: few problems with 2.220   few problems with 2.220 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 29, 2009 5:19 pm

I was using V.2.135 and didn't get any update since then, so today i downloaded the 2.220 and got few problems with it.

1. when starting I get an erron "The operation has timed out.", but then it start up just fine.
2. I decided to clenup my library so i've deleted all tbn and nfo files. now when trying to scrape few tv shows it's get "Unhandled exception" erros.
The shows are:
Party down
The line

they are all new shows as far as i know so mabey that is the problem.

Scraping this in older version 2.135 worked fine.

3.Trying to scrape some israeli shows with their Hebrew name get no results. This also worked fine in the older version.
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few problems with 2.220 Empty
PostSubject: Re: few problems with 2.220   few problems with 2.220 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 30, 2009 11:18 am

psike wrote:
I was using V.2.135 and didn't get any update since then, so today i downloaded the 2.220 and got few problems with it.

1. when starting I get an erron "The operation has timed out.", but then it start up just fine.
2. I decided to clenup my library so i've deleted all tbn and nfo files. now when trying to scrape few tv shows it's get "Unhandled exception" erros.
The shows are:
Party down
The line

they are all new shows as far as i know so mabey that is the problem.

Scraping this in older version 2.135 worked fine.

3.Trying to scrape some israeli shows with their Hebrew name get no results. This also worked fine in the older version.

1) I'm looking into it.
2) Fixed for next version
3) I need an example of an israeli show title
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few problems with 2.220 Empty
PostSubject: Re: few problems with 2.220   few problems with 2.220 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 30, 2009 3:14 pm

Here is an example, the show title is:
and here is the TVDB page:

Another show is
this show also have a name in english:
Borer, Ha-

When trying to scrape with the hebrew name it's not working but with the english name it's ok.

Thank you.
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few problems with 2.220 Empty
PostSubject: Re: few problems with 2.220   few problems with 2.220 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 03, 2009 2:16 am

Hey again
Problems 1&2 fixed now in v2.229.
Is there also any progress with number 3, the israeli shows?
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few problems with 2.220 Empty
PostSubject: Re: few problems with 2.220   few problems with 2.220 Icon_minitime

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