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 Fanart Problems

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PostSubject: Fanart Problems   Fanart Problems Icon_minitimeWed Dec 31, 2008 12:49 pm

Ok, I just ran a test scan on one of my 500 Gig drives, it got about 70% of the movies correct. the other 25% is most likely my fault, as I do not have the (year) in the folder name.

I then spent the better part of 4 hours correcting incorrect movies, artwork and such.

I then removed all sources from XBMC, started from scratch, and scanned the drive. It maintained all of the correct names and poster art. So far so good....

Now the problem.....For some reason, when it uses the .nfo files from Media Companion, it does not look for missing fan art. So I went back to Media Companion and found the drop down for "Scan all movies for new Fanart". and it ran through the 550 movies, and did not find one single image. I took the first 5 movies in order, and went to the website for TMDB and searched for art, and the site had 8 of the 10 movies I searched for, so the art does exist.

So now I am at a loss. XBMC will not look for the missing art, as it does when there are no .nfo files, and Media Companion is not finding one single fan art image out of the 550 movies. I have a total of 2,400 movies, and am not up for trying to search, download, rename, and place the downloaded image in each movie folder, rinse and repeat 2,399 more times Smile

Is there another way to automate this, or something I am missing for the settings in Media Companion?
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Join date : 2008-09-20

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PostSubject: Re: Fanart Problems   Fanart Problems Icon_minitimeWed Dec 31, 2008 7:09 pm

It sounds like your using an old build, version 2.085 is the latest and the fanart works fine

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