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 Add some things to built-in reg ex

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PostSubject: Add some things to built-in reg ex   Add some things to built-in reg ex Icon_minitimeFri Oct 16, 2009 4:46 am

Hey Billy, great work on the new version. Easily the best TV manager right now.

I was wondering if you could add some common expressions to your built-in RegEx, as I'm not familiar with how to add them, plus they're pretty common


Thanks if you get a chance!
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PostSubject: Re: Add some things to built-in reg ex   Add some things to built-in reg ex Icon_minitimeFri Oct 16, 2009 1:51 pm

Could you clarify on that please,

Are you talking about Movies or TV Shows,

If it is TV Episodes then I am not sure what you mean,

The regex for tv episodes are used to acertain the episode season and episode numbers anything else is ignored
Supported naming conventions include (Not case sensitive)
1x02 - these all show season1 episode2
or for multipart, both the following sees season 1 episodes 2,3, and 4

x264 may be an issue as it could be taken as a multipart file ("01x01 episodetitle x264.avi"), I will add a check for this in the next build
All other chrs and strings in an episode filename are ignored, including 2HD, 0TV, and NoTV
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PostSubject: Re: Add some things to built-in reg ex   Add some things to built-in reg ex Icon_minitimeFri Oct 16, 2009 9:27 pm

One usefull addition to the regex would be one of the scene standard:


it is very similar to the 1x02 but without the x

multipart episodes for that naming convention are either:
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PostSubject: Re: Add some things to built-in reg ex   Add some things to built-in reg ex Icon_minitimeFri Oct 16, 2009 10:17 pm

TheDogg wrote:
One usefull addition to the regex would be one of the scene standard:


it is very similar to the 1x02 but without the x

multipart episodes for that naming convention are either:

Gotta be a bit careful with regex since multiple matches causes a problem, for example
would match
season 2 episode 101
Season 1 episode 1

Although this could be solved by checking for the match in that order and returning the first hit. I will add that as a standard, just gotta be cautious about adding each possible pattern since they can overlap.

I will also enable the regex editor for the next build. (Give me a day or two)
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PostSubject: Re: Add some things to built-in reg ex   Add some things to built-in reg ex Icon_minitimeSat Oct 17, 2009 12:04 am

Sorry about the lack of clarification...

I had quite a few episodes that were overlooked during the TV scrape that had any of


in their file names. Once removing them (x264,2hd, etc.) the shows scraped fine. I can go back, rename them to their previous names, re-scrape and output a log if you'd like.
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PostSubject: Re: Add some things to built-in reg ex   Add some things to built-in reg ex Icon_minitimeSat Oct 17, 2009 12:53 am

rausch101 wrote:
Sorry about the lack of clarification...

I had quite a few episodes that were overlooked during the TV scrape that had any of


in their file names. Once removing them (x264,2hd, etc.) the shows scraped fine. I can go back, rename them to their previous names, re-scrape and output a log if you'd like.

I've just fixed the x264 issue, but an example filename that wouldn't scrape would be helpful
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PostSubject: Re: Add some things to built-in reg ex   Add some things to built-in reg ex Icon_minitimeSat Oct 17, 2009 1:52 pm

TheDogg wrote:
One usefull addition to the regex would be one of the scene standard:


it is very similar to the 1x02 but without the x

multipart episodes for that naming convention are either:

I'm a little bit concerned about adding support for the multipart episode convenion for this, I can imagine many filenames having a period or comma followed by a number that is unrelated to the episode no
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PostSubject: Re: Add some things to built-in reg ex   Add some things to built-in reg ex Icon_minitimeTue Oct 20, 2009 6:47 am

billyad2000 wrote:
I've just fixed the x264 issue, but an example filename that wouldn't scrape would be helpful

A few files take a very long time to scrape (over 5 minutes per file) and a few don't scrape at all.

The ones that take a very long time, but eventually do scrape:

Curb Your Enthusiasm S07E05 HDTV XviD-2HD.avi
Dexter S04E04 HDTV XviD-NoTV.avi

The ones that scrape as multi-part files when they shouldn't:


Working on episode: G:\Media\TV Shows\Californication\Californication Season 3\Californication.S03E04.HDTV.XviD-0TV.nfo
Multipart episode found:
Season: 03 Episodes, 04, 0,
Looking up scraper options from tvshow.nfo
Scraping body of episode: 4
This episode could not be found on TVDB

I can't remember the names of the files that don't scrape at all, but I'll be sure to post when I come across them again.

Thanks again for the great program.

Not that my TV Show file structure for all shows is: /TV Shows/The Simpsons/The Simpsons Season 1/<file> etc.

EDIT: Now I am just trying to scrape "Curb.Your.Enthusiasm.S07E05.avi" and it's taking forever. I've cleared the cache and restarted, same thing. Maybe it's not a regex thing? I'm on Windows 7 64-bit.

EDIT 2: I think I found the pattern. This seems to only be happening with fake files that I have. Sorry for the trouble...I'll let you know for sure after I test it some more.
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PostSubject: Re: Add some things to built-in reg ex   Add some things to built-in reg ex Icon_minitime

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