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 Media Companion is missing 2 movies!

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Michael Prassel
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Media Companion is missing 2 movies! Empty
PostSubject: Media Companion is missing 2 movies!   Media Companion is missing 2 movies! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 24, 2009 3:17 am

My Media Companion scans 466 movies but my movies folder contains 468 movie folders. How come that happens and how can I tell what movies are missing?
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Media Companion is missing 2 movies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Media Companion is missing 2 movies!   Media Companion is missing 2 movies! Icon_minitimeTue Nov 24, 2009 3:55 am

Do you have your movies in individual folders? It may just be that you have a couple of movies that have subfolders like "subtitles" folder for instance. Cause if you are just judging this by what folders MC is scraping down the bottom this may be the case.

For me MC scrapes 399 folders but i only have 385 movies thats cause 14 of my movies have subfolders containing a folder called "subs"

Also if you go to file explorer and click properties on your movie folder. That will tell you how many folders and sub folders is in there is well.

2 double check i just count the folders in my movies directory my self. another way to do it would be to generate a .txt file of your movies folder using MSDOS then check them off

Use this DOS command in your movies folder to tell you which two movies have sub/folders

dir /b /s /ad > list.txt

This will create a txt file in your movies folder listing all you folders and sub folders. Just open it up and the subfolders will be the last ones listed. you could also just drop the >list.txt part and then it won't create a txt file and it will be just displayed on the screen, again folders containg subfolders should be the last 2.

Hope this Helps
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Media Companion is missing 2 movies!
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