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 Save to mysql database

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PostSubject: Save to mysql database   Save to mysql database Icon_minitimeFri Feb 18, 2011 11:31 pm

MC already appears to use SQLite as its backend store. It would be very useful if it could read and write directly from and to the xbmc mysql database.

This would make the integration between the two apps a lot more seamless
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PostSubject: Re: Save to mysql database   Save to mysql database Icon_minitimeSun Feb 20, 2011 3:55 pm

Zirafarafa wrote:
MC already appears to use SQLite as its backend store. It would be very useful if it could read and write directly from and to the xbmc mysql database.

This would make the integration between the two apps a lot more seamless

only hitch with this is that XBMC4Xbox doesn't use MySQL and MC was/is mainly used by people that use XBMC4Xbox.
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PostSubject: Re: Save to mysql database   Save to mysql database Icon_minitimeMon Feb 28, 2011 10:44 pm

Zirafarafa wrote:
MC already appears to use SQLite as its backend store. It would be very useful if it could read and write directly from and to the xbmc mysql database.

This would make the integration between the two apps a lot more seamless

Which version of XBMC are you using? Have you actually set it to use a MySql backend for it's database? I have just recently done this and can see it would be useful to directly update the MySql database, but I do question how many people have actually done this. While I don't agree that the Media Companion should be primarily for original Xbox based XBMC users any more due to the number of platforms it is now available on and the discontinuation of production of the original Xbox, I can agree that improvements should be centered around where they would be used more.

Anybody else set up a MySql back end for XBMC?

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PostSubject: Re: Save to mysql database   Save to mysql database Icon_minitime

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