Hi all,
Thanks for this great program, but unfortunately it's not running smoothly for me.
I'm running latest version (3.317) on Windows 7 Home Premium.
If I run the program as an administrator it works fine, but I'd like my housemates to be able to use the program from a guest account without adminstrator rights. There are numerous permission errors when trying to run as a non-admin, most notably inability to open movies by double clicking, because the user doesn't have permission to create the "temp.m3u" file in the Programs (x86) directory.
I don't understand why this program is set up to have all the Settings files in the Program directory. Why not in user application data folder, like most programs?
I tried to have the program sitting outside the Program directory, but then I get errors where the program is looking for xml files in the Program directory.
In the process of writing this post I've discovered that keeping my original copy of MC in the Program directory (including the Settings folder) but running another copy of MC in another folder (including a copy of the same Settings folder) works for both admin and non-admin. Only problem now is that the program won't close for non-admins - CPU usage goes up to 50% and the process has to be killed in Task Manager.
Surely all these problems could be solved by keeping the settings in a user application data folder instead of the program folder?!