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 Studio & Tagline Scraper Error

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Studio & Tagline Scraper Error Empty
PostSubject: Studio & Tagline Scraper Error   Studio & Tagline Scraper Error Icon_minitimeWed Jan 19, 2011 1:16 am

I've had this issue with the previous iteration of MC as well.

Overall its a FANTASTIC slice of software and these little bugs are really just minute details compared to what a great aid it has been for managing my large (8TB) media server and all its meta data.

MC doesn't populate the studio or tagline fields on most of my movies (But it does for about 3%). Is this an issue with IMDB's database not having the fields populated in their data base?
I've come across more than a couple popular recent movies without a studio or tagline. Any thoughts?

Thanks again for such a great setup. I've been convincing all my home theater PC friends to use media companion.

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Studio & Tagline Scraper Error Empty
PostSubject: Re: Studio & Tagline Scraper Error   Studio & Tagline Scraper Error Icon_minitimeThu Jan 20, 2011 1:24 am

With your movie selected in the menu, choose the IMDB button. This will take you to the movies IMDB page. Check to see if the information you are after is displayed. This page is where MC gets the information from. If its not populated then MC can't retrieve it.

If it is & recraping the movie doesn't fix it let us know the movie & we can have a look. IMDB sometimes change things around & we have to modify MC.

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Studio & Tagline Scraper Error Empty
PostSubject: Re: Studio & Tagline Scraper Error   Studio & Tagline Scraper Error Icon_minitimeFri May 20, 2011 3:49 pm

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Studio & Tagline Scraper Error Empty
PostSubject: Re: Studio & Tagline Scraper Error   Studio & Tagline Scraper Error Icon_minitime

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