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 Scraping Blu Ray rips?

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Scraping Blu Ray rips? Empty
PostSubject: Scraping Blu Ray rips?   Scraping Blu Ray rips? Icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 12:44 pm

Is this possible yet?
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Scraping Blu Ray rips? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scraping Blu Ray rips?   Scraping Blu Ray rips? Icon_minitimeThu Mar 03, 2011 10:23 am

guess not
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Scraping Blu Ray rips? Empty
PostSubject: Are you happy about the royal wedding but indifferent about the wedding dress?   Scraping Blu Ray rips? Icon_minitimeMon May 09, 2011 12:49 pm

I think the wedding coverage is fun and I'll watch it, but I don't care about the dress. Men don't care about the wedding dress. They all look the same anyway. Like babies. If the bride is pretty she looks good in anything. The dress is just a poofy white thing. How can you remember what a wedding dress looks like. It's all white. It's lacey.The Royal Wedding is a big occasion allowing all interested parties to have a bit of fun. If people aren't interested, then that's up to them. This occasion will cost the British taxpayer a great deal of money, particularly for security. However, that is balanced out by the massive amount of revenue that will be generated by retail sales and present & future tourism.The wedding dress will also be a bonus to the fashion industry as copies will start to be made as soon as Catherine steps out of that car and enters Westminster Abbey. That's why this particular dress is going to be important.Wedding Dresses 2011 cascading folds and the big heavy big light contrast to the long tail makes the wedding that there will be more three-dimensional, and the clever use of lace has been added on in the luxurious touch of sexy, slender and the head of Dream Yarn as soft as the phoenix, will set off the bride even more beautiful. At present this 2011 New Style Wedding Dresses favored by a lot of new people.I don't care about the dress or the wedding. The US media is giving this much more coverage than what they did when former President Clinton's daughter married and former President Bush's daughter married, which is really sad. Not that I was interested in those, either. I'm a US citizen, why should I care about the royal wedding? Although with the way people in the US seem to be obsessed with famous people, I wouldn't be surprised if it was getting more media coverage in the US than in the UK.Also, I was not overly interested in my wedding dress. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, except that I did not want poofy. (I tried on a few and knew I could not fit into my husband's car in them. I also thought they looked ridiculous.) I liked what I had, but I knew it was just one very overpriced dress (though at $189, it was/is cheap as far as wedding dresses go) for just one day. I wore it the one day and it's been covered in one of those suit/dress bags for almost ten years.I'm intrigued by all the pomp and circumstance as it is so different in scope and national importance than anything we have in the States. That said, I'm not about to have a viewing party or stay home from work because I've gotten up at midnight to watch it. All the hysteria of people camping out days in advance to get a glimpse and such is bewildering. But each to their own.

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