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 Incorrect aspect ratio when scraping DVD rips.

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Incorrect aspect ratio when scraping DVD rips. Empty
PostSubject: Incorrect aspect ratio when scraping DVD rips.   Incorrect aspect ratio when scraping DVD rips. Icon_minitimeTue Apr 05, 2011 10:02 am

After ripping a DVD, I convert it to MKV using handbrake, Xmedia Recode, whatever. I have the program automatically crop out the black bars of course. This mainly happens with movies with a 2.35:1 AR but can also happen with movies of other aspect ratios. I will check the details of the file with Media Info first and everything is always correct. However, after I scape with Media Companion the AR will read as 1.957 in the nfo file it has created for a film that is 720x368. Another example is for a movie that is 712x344 it is coming up with the ratio as 2.070 when it SHOULD be 1.85:1. This only happens with DVDs that I rip and convert to MKV. They all play fine with the proper aspect ratio. Any ideas? Thanks.
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Incorrect aspect ratio when scraping DVD rips.
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