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 Rename TV Episodes during scan

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Rename TV Episodes during scan Empty
PostSubject: Rename TV Episodes during scan   Rename TV Episodes during scan Icon_minitimeThu Sep 25, 2008 8:47 am

As per this post on the xbmc forums

Have you thought about adding an option to rename TV Show episodes during a scan? Every now and then I use a an app like EpNamer to go through and rename all my episodes to something more legible. I would like to do it to every episode before I scan it using Media Companion, but it's too fiddly to do with each episode. As you are downloading all the info needed to rename the episode to a more legible name (i.e. Show Name, Episode Title), I think it would be a very handy feature if your app could rename as well. I.e.

Fringe.s01e03,repack,xor.blah.avi -- Scans, finds episode title 'The Ghost Network'.
Renames file to S01E03 - The Ghost Network.avi. Creates S01E01 - The Ghost Network.nfo (and .tbn)

Has this been mentioned before? Have you thought about adding it?
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Rename TV Episodes during scan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rename TV Episodes during scan   Rename TV Episodes during scan Icon_minitimeThu Sep 25, 2008 9:49 am

A way to rename movies is definately on my list of things to do, I suppose a natural progression from this would be to include TV Shows.
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