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 2.111 Bugs (only little ones)

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PostSubject: 2.111 Bugs (only little ones)   2.111 Bugs (only little ones) Icon_minitimeTue Jan 20, 2009 3:05 am

A couple of odd little bugs I noticed today

If you add a new movie and it isn't in imdb, a blank nfo gets created, if you then edit that nfo and then click on save changes, you get the 'warning all changes will be lost' dialog. If you click OK it does save correctly so its just the message.

If you move your mouse over the blank space under the Filter button, sometimes a bubble pops up with something like "new movies since last update" or something (it's not there long enough for me to remember exactly what it says) probably the balloon help for a hidden control that hasn't hidden properly yet or something like that.

I don't think I'd call this a bug but if you add a new movie and the scraper finds the wrong one in imdb, and then you go searching for the correct one find that it's not in imdb at all, there is no way to say "blank nfo please" you have to pick a random movie and then clear out all the fields by hand

The duplicate search is using the movie name, not the imdb id

"/movies/You, Me And Dupree (2006)/You, Me And Dupree (2006) CD1.avi" keeps producing an nfo called "You,, Me And Dupree (2006) CD1.nfo"note the extra comma.
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PostSubject: Re: 2.111 Bugs (only little ones)   2.111 Bugs (only little ones) Icon_minitimeTue Jan 20, 2009 4:09 am

[If you move your mouse over the blank space under the Filter button, sometimes a bubble pops up with something like "new movies since last update" or something (it's not there long enough for me to remember exactly what it says) probably the balloon help for a hidden control that hasn't hidden properly yet or something like that.]

The ballon displayed reads 'Display Movies Added during This Session'

I removed a movie and re-added it and a new filter check box that reads 'Display New Movies Only'

Nice feature so you can edit new movies only without going through your whole library.
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PostSubject: Re: 2.111 Bugs (only little ones)   2.111 Bugs (only little ones) Icon_minitimeTue Jan 20, 2009 7:00 pm

Quote :
A couple of odd little bugs I noticed today

If you add a new movie and it isn't in imdb, a blank nfo gets created, if you then edit that nfo and then click on save changes, you get the 'warning all changes will be lost' dialog. If you click OK it does save correctly so its just the message.

I can't duplicate this.

Quote :
If you move your mouse over the blank space under the Filter button, sometimes a bubble pops up with something like "new movies since last update" or something (it's not there long enough for me to remember exactly what it says) probably the balloon help for a hidden control that hasn't hidden properly yet or something like that.

I've fixed this one

Quote :
I don't think I'd call this a bug but if you add a new movie and the scraper finds the wrong one in imdb, and then you go searching for the correct one find that it's not in imdb at all, there is no way to say "blank nfo please" you have to pick a random movie and then clear out all the fields by hand
I added a button

Quote :
The duplicate search is using the movie name, not the imdb id

The duplicate search was just a quick extra I added a long time ago, I didn't spend much time on it, maybe it could be better, but it isn't a priority
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PostSubject: Re: 2.111 Bugs (only little ones)   2.111 Bugs (only little ones) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 4:55 am

Wow you're quick!

Quote :
If you add a new movie and it isn't in imdb, a blank nfo gets created, if you then edit that nfo and then click on save changes, you get the 'warning all changes will be lost' dialog. If you click OK it does save correctly so its just the message.
I got this wrong...

It's not got anything to do with blank nfo's it's adding actors to an existing nfo (I was adding an actor to a blank so I missed the link)

edit an nfo (doesn't have to be a blank one)

type something into the add actor-> actor field and add actor-> role field

click add actor

click save changes

you get an error message saying changes will be lost

if you say ok it goes away and loses the new actor

if you click the edit icon again now you get an exception

sorry for the sloppy bug report last time

It still does it in 2.113, I just checked.

Good effort on the other fixes! :-)

I think maybe it's time to try scraping my TV Shows as well now :-D
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PostSubject: Re: 2.111 Bugs (only little ones)   2.111 Bugs (only little ones) Icon_minitimeWed Jan 21, 2009 9:31 pm

Just noticed also that editing an unwatched movie and saving will mark the movie as watched Shocked
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PostSubject: Re: 2.111 Bugs (only little ones)   2.111 Bugs (only little ones) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 2:03 am

ChoccyHobNob wrote:
Just noticed also that editing an unwatched movie and saving will mark the movie as watched Shocked
Fixed for next build

ChoccyHobNob wrote:
Wow you're quick!

Quote :
If you add a new movie and it isn't in imdb, a blank nfo gets created, if you then edit that nfo and then click on save changes, you get the 'warning all changes will be lost' dialog. If you click OK it does save correctly so its just the message.
I got this wrong...

It's not got anything to do with blank nfo's it's adding actors to an existing nfo (I was adding an actor to a blank so I missed the link)

edit an nfo (doesn't have to be a blank one)

type something into the add actor-> actor field and add actor-> role field

click add actor

click save changes

you get an error message saying changes will be lost

if you say ok it goes away and loses the new actor

if you click the edit icon again now you get an exception

sorry for the sloppy bug report last time

It still does it in 2.113, I just checked.

Good effort on the other fixes! :-)

I think maybe it's time to try scraping my TV Shows as well now :-D

Also fixed for next build
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PostSubject: Re: 2.111 Bugs (only little ones)   2.111 Bugs (only little ones) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 12:46 pm

The "Watched" toggle was the one feature I was waiting for before donating... Donation on it's way cheers
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PostSubject: Re: 2.111 Bugs (only little ones)   2.111 Bugs (only little ones) Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2009 1:29 pm

ChoccyHobNob wrote:
The "Watched" toggle was the one feature I was waiting for before donating... Donation on it's way cheers

My pleasure, and thankyou for the donation.
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PostSubject: Re: 2.111 Bugs (only little ones)   2.111 Bugs (only little ones) Icon_minitime

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