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 Announcements, RSS & Bugs...

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Announcements, RSS & Bugs... Empty
PostSubject: Announcements, RSS & Bugs...   Announcements, RSS & Bugs... Icon_minitimeFri Nov 27, 2009 2:31 am

The RSS feeds do not list the Announcements.
The Bugs for each version are scattered....

New versions get added to the forum without the announcement tag - allows RSS feed to show them
The newly started thread is locked - stops older versions being pushed to the top
Get people to put bugs in the bugs section properly formated &/OR you create a sub folder for each version & once the old version bugs are addressed, achive that thread under old versions....

This should make it easier on yourself to locate current bugs with the current version & to remove them from the list when attended to.
Multiple posts about the same bug should be minimised.
People can monitor via RSS for new versions.

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Media Companion Supporter

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Announcements, RSS & Bugs... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Announcements, RSS & Bugs...   Announcements, RSS & Bugs... Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 11:14 pm

Nice suggestions Stormy. I also suggested before to lock the Announcement thread completely. that way it forces people to use the Bug Forum and keeps things organized for Billy (and us all).
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Media Companion Supporter
Media Companion Supporter

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Announcements, RSS & Bugs... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Announcements, RSS & Bugs...   Announcements, RSS & Bugs... Icon_minitimeWed Dec 02, 2009 6:06 am

Yep agree, something needs to be done regarding the announcements Forum so that they show up in RSS.
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Announcements, RSS & Bugs... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Announcements, RSS & Bugs...   Announcements, RSS & Bugs... Icon_minitime

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