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 G2 Beta - watched/unwatched bug

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G2 Beta - watched/unwatched bug Empty
PostSubject: G2 Beta - watched/unwatched bug   G2 Beta - watched/unwatched bug Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 6:24 am

G'day Billy,

Its good to get to play with the new MC, it really does look good!

I have noticed one thing so far, if I select a movie that is unwatched & then I choose the watched button, if I then try to do a search on the watched status it is still unwatched. However the watched button (green) for that movie indicates it is. If I restart MC then the search is now correct.

Also I'm a little curious about having seperate selections of watched/unwatched....& can you explain what is the 'problem' choice for?

Oh & 1 more if I may...when I choose to sort say by Rating, is there any way to list the ratings with the movies in the list, perhaps added to the front of the movie name such as

7.0 Flushed Away (2006)
6.5 FlyBoys (2006)

& there going to be an easy way to sort by cert? I notice that other than no age certification returned by the scrapper, you can get things like 'M', '15', 'Rated PG-13 for war action violence and some sexual content.', do you think if there is enough standardisation in the returned data, you could implement a method to either sort by the age certification or perhaps filter like the genres?

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Join date : 2008-09-20

G2 Beta - watched/unwatched bug Empty
PostSubject: Re: G2 Beta - watched/unwatched bug   G2 Beta - watched/unwatched bug Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 9:06 am

StormyKnight wrote:
G'day Billy,

Its good to get to play with the new MC, it really does look good!

I have noticed one thing so far, if I select a movie that is unwatched & then I choose the watched button, if I then try to do a search on the watched status it is still unwatched. However the watched button (green) for that movie indicates it is. If I restart MC then the search is now correct.

Also I'm a little curious about having seperate selections of watched/unwatched....& can you explain what is the 'problem' choice for?

Oh & 1 more if I may...when I choose to sort say by Rating, is there any way to list the ratings with the movies in the list, perhaps added to the front of the movie name such as

7.0 Flushed Away (2006)
6.5 FlyBoys (2006)

& there going to be an easy way to sort by cert? I notice that other than no age certification returned by the scrapper, you can get things like 'M', '15', 'Rated PG-13 for war action violence and some sexual content.', do you think if there is enough standardisation in the returned data, you could implement a method to either sort by the age certification or perhaps filter like the genres?


1) This is caused by the main movie nfo being updated, but the internal movie list is not, I will fix it today.

2) To let you list the movies you have watched, or the movies you have not watched. eg. you are looking for a action thriller that you have watched but you cannot remember its name.

3) The problem filter at the moment will list movies that fail to find a match when scraping, in future versions it will also list movies that have xml errors within the nfo.

4) I could do that, maybe at some point, but thats a feature request and not a bug (Nice try though)
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G2 Beta - watched/unwatched bug
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