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 TV Shows: Absolute Ordering support

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Junior Member
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TV Shows: Absolute Ordering support Empty
PostSubject: TV Shows: Absolute Ordering support   TV Shows: Absolute Ordering support Icon_minitimeThu Jul 01, 2010 11:59 am

I'm sure I've seen this requested before but couldn't find it by searching, but anyway, is there anyway absolute ordering can be supported as in xbmc for anime shows.

see for original xbmc discussion.
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Senior Member
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TV Shows: Absolute Ordering support Empty
PostSubject: Re: TV Shows: Absolute Ordering support   TV Shows: Absolute Ordering support Icon_minitimeTue Jun 07, 2011 5:45 am

We've no idea what the dress will look like. She's been very successful at keeping it under wraps. We also don't know for certain who the designer is; several names have been mentioned. Interestingly, Sophie Cranston of Libelula is now being suggested, and I had wondered about her as a possibility. She designed that black velvet coat that Middleton wore to a wedding some weeks ago.You can choose Prom Dresses Under 200,Prom Dresses 2011 ,Ivory Flower Girl Dresses from Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen; Alice Temperley; Philippa Lepley; Daniella Helayel of Issa; Bruce Oldfield -- all have been suggested. Let's just wait and see.
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TV Shows: Absolute Ordering support
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