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 Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE?

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Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE? Empty
PostSubject: Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE?   Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 4:28 am

How would I go about scrapping the same show twice... so it has 2 complete entries in XBMC?

For example I have Supernatural and I also have Supernatural in 720p?... I would like to have 2 entries, different banner and poster and fan art... but no mater what i do the xbmc always puts them all in the one show list but shows 2 eps of each episode....

Alternitivly, have one entery for teh show but 2 season entries...

- Season 1
- Season 1 720p

In fact this might be a better way to go as I could use teh same technique ro add TV tags to my series... for shows I have not yet got teh DVD/BR rips off...


- Season 1
- Season 10 - TV Rips


So yea.. how would I go about this.. if it is possible?
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Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE?   Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 01, 2010 8:57 am

I would think you would need to have two separate folders each containing a tvshow.nfo. In that nfo the title may have to be different as well.

Title 1 - Supernatural
Title 2 - Supernatural 720p

as an example.

The actual folder name is only used to work out the title which is put into the tvshow.nfo. After that the actual folder can have any name....MC just looks for the tvshow title in the tvshow.nfo from then on. I think XBMC is the same.

This should also work in MC and it should still scrape OK I would think, locating the right files with the right tvshow.nfo & directory.

I haven't tried it but i think that should work in theory.


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Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE?   Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 08, 2011 5:39 am

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Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE?   Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE? Icon_minitime

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Is it possible to Scrap the same show TWICE?
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