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 Getting XBMC to use new .NFOs

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2 posters
Human Potato
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Getting XBMC to use new .NFOs Empty
PostSubject: Getting XBMC to use new .NFOs   Getting XBMC to use new .NFOs Icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 5:42 am

Hi Guys,

I have updated all of the posters in my movie collection (stored on my networked PC) but I don't know how to get XBMC to use the new .NFOs.

I have tried "Clean Library", followed by "Update Library" from within XBMC but it is still using the old posters as thumbnails. The only solution I have found is to use the context menu to access the movie information and then choose "Refresh", but obviously this only works on one movie at a time which takes far too long.

I will delete the library from my Xbox and re-scan the whole lot tonight, but I wondered if there is an easier option to get XBMC to refresh EVERYTHING in it's library, because "Update Library" doesnt really seem very thorough.

Also, can anyone tell me what the difference is between the options "Update Library" and "Scan for new content" ?
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Getting XBMC to use new .NFOs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting XBMC to use new .NFOs   Getting XBMC to use new .NFOs Icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2009 11:56 pm

This has been brought up several times on the XBMC forum.

Unfortunately there is no easy way to update all posters and fanart on XBMC

You can either refresh each individual movie or delete the DB and start from scratch.

You could try deleting just the thumbnails first to see if this works - if it does then let us know.
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Getting XBMC to use new .NFOs
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